
Values to not toggle off when accessed via <iron-form> .serialize() method.

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<iron-form>.serialize() method returns <paper-toggle-button> values "on" when user toggles to "off".

Expected outcome

<iron-form>.serialize() == {"foo":"off"}

Actual outcome

<iron-form>.serialize() == {"foo":"on"}

Steps to reproduce

See this Stack Overflow question.


See this JSBin for the code.

Fixed by PolymerElements/iron-form#82 and PolymerElements/iron-checked-element-behavior#11.

@maria-le: To more closely emulate the behavior of checkboxes during form submission, they're now excluded if they aren't checked (rather than having value "off"). Also, note that native checkboxes' value attributes are in 'default/on' mode. So, even if the checkbox isn't checked, accessing the value property will either return what the value attribute it set to, or "on", if the value attribute is not set.