Docker usage

Copy 'config.json.sample' to 'config.json' and configure the file appropriately. For purposes of the example setup, this file is placed in the home directory.

For the token, create a discord test bot and copy the token (see section on creating a bot).

To use without docker-compose

mkdir ~/mongo_data <- place wherever appropriate

mkdir ~/cache <- folder from which the webserver serves cached objects

sudo docker network create ng_network

sudo docker run --name ng_mongo --log-opt max-size=10m --memory=768m --restart always --net ng_network -v $HOME/mongo_data:/data/db -d mongo --storageEngine wiredTiger

sudo docker run --net ng_network -v $HOME/cache:/napcharts -v $HOME/config.json:/usr/src/napgodjs-build/config.json --log-opt max-size=10m --restart always -dit --name ng polyphasic/napgod_js

To use docker-compose

In config.json, set mongo to "mongodb://database:27017/napgod" (the port number might be different if you're already running mongo elswhere on your computer)

Make sure docker-compose is installed (might have been installed along with Docker) (

Run npm install (because of the way docker-compose uses volumes to copy code from your computer to the container, you need to do an npm install before running docker-compose)

Run docker-compose up

Creating your own instance of the NapGod bot for testing

  • Create your own private server for testing your private NapGod.
    • If you have modonly set to true in your config.json make sure to create an Admins role and give it to yourself
  • Create an application and bot on discord (
    • Set Public Bot and Requires OAuth2 Code Grant to false
  • In the OAuth2 tab, click the 'bot' scope and choose the permission you need.
  • Then copy that link into your browser to invite your new bot to your server.


Edit any of the .md files. To help improve/format text.

Guide for those new to github

  • Make an account and log in
  • Open the file you want to edit
  • Click the pencil in the top left
  • Make the changes you want
  • Click Preview to make sure it looks right
  • Add a short description at the bottom of the page
  • Click commit


We're using markdown files.

Syntax guide found here :

Adding new commands

  • To add new commands just make a new .md file.
  • The name of the file will be the name of the command that follows the +
    • IE - will result in +garble showing the contents of on the server.

Continuous Delivery

There is continuous delivery set up so everything that's pushed to the git repo gets built by Docker Hub and subsequently pulled by watchtower container and deployed.