

tstirrat15 opened this issue · 1 comments

First: This library is awesome. I haven't found anything that provides similar functionality, and when used as documented, it Just Works^tm.

However, there's things that could be modernized:

  1. HOC => renderProps and/or hook
  2. Move off of findDOMNode (deprecated in strictMode)

I saw the conversation in #295, and it makes it sound like it's less because of any particular technical reason, and more because of what React looked like when v1 of this lib was written.

Is there interest in a rewrite + major release? Do you have thoughts on what you'd like to see in that rewrite?

I'm happy to help make it happen - I just wanted to make sure that we've got a similar vision before I go start submitting PRs.

Pomax commented

I am 100% for a "from scatch" v7 based on what React looks like these days, I just haven't had any time to dedicate to this myself. If you want to start taking a stab at that, I'd be more than happy to review, though!

The important part is that "it works", really. React 16.8 does that a fair bit different from earlier versions.