
Fuzzy matching?

qazip opened this issue ยท 12 comments

qazip commented

It would be nice if rlaunch supported fuzzy maching.

For example, I have a .desktop entry called "no-ads". Typing "no ads" should return "no-ads"...

Good idea.

I'll try to look into this soon

f5ea52e implemented.

qazip commented

Awesome! Just one thing:

Typing "qb" returns 2 matches, in this order:

  • Qt qDbusViewer;
  • qBittorrent;

Any idea why "qBittorrent" is not the first match?

It appears that the algorithm is not actually case insensitive, I'll make a quick fix for it

qazip commented

I don't think that's it actually. "qb", "QB", "qB" and "Qb" all return the same thing, in the same order and that is the order from my previous message..

However if the target strings become all lowercase, entering "qb" returns "qbittorrent" first

Edit: check 06b180a out

qazip commented

@PonasKovas, it works as intended now, thank you!

You should bump the version though. rlaunch --version still gives 1.3.9.

Oh yeah, thanks, I keep forgetting to do that

I'm personally not really happy with how it works now. It seems that the algorithm is not giving enough significance to whether the target string starts with the pattern. If I type disco, obviously discord should be the first suggestions, but for some reason things like pppoe-discovery and plasma-discover-update get higher (or equal) scores.

@qazip opinion on fe1c4a7 ?

qazip commented

Works perfectly for me.

ffx gives firefox
qb gives qbittorrent first
noads gives no-ads

That's great, it seems to be working for my cases too.

Feel free to re-open if you encounter any more bugs or have any more questions.