
Touchpad is not working

0tabek16 opened this issue · 3 comments

Iʻm sure that itʻs not right place to post about it, but can we discuss about it?

Iʻm not a pro hackintosher, but was searching about ʼVoodooI2Cʼ and found out that it couses Kernel panics with ʼOpenCoreʼ. Tried the ʼVoodooInputʼ and it also didnʻt help. (Maybe loaded it wrongly, because coulnʻt find any thread about loading it)

I have the same problem also when I connect headphones to my laptop te sound has noise/distortion. Do you have that peoblem too?

Yes. Use VoodooHDA.kext to resolve the issue.

Thanks, sound now is workingi. I hope the problem of the touchpad will be solved.