
New release: 19.8

brad0 opened this issue · 2 comments

Please consider a 19.8 release sometime this year (2024).

Yes we are already considering it. Intending it even.

Contributions to the open tickets for the milestone would be very welcome. There are currently 16 open tickets assigned to the milestone:


Today Phil and I rationalized the tickets remaining for 19.8 by punting some P2 issues to 19.9. There are now 7 remaining open tickets for 19.8 (aside from this one). These are all candidate show-stoppers:


If anyone is affected by those tickets, is able to reproduce, test fixes, work on them, or offer a fix, your input would be most helpful and appreciated at this time. Please comment on the individual tickets. If you have any additional "showstopper" tickets or PRs in mind, please comment below.