
Not able to access dragdropservice

snehabihani opened this issue · 8 comments

Can you please help . I am not able to access drag and drop service

Can you please explain in detail what the issue is?

Please show us a call stack to allow narrowing down the issue.

Check the error window.

This service class is used by the DropZone component internally and you should not try to access it. The documentation states clearly what steps are required to get started, injecting DragDropService is not one of these steps.

So, why do you want to inject this service?

DropZone provides the event OnItemDrop for this.

Currently the event only sends the dragged item so you need to assign individual event handlers per drop zone to know which drop zone is the target.

Hi I have developed something like this "". So I want the item where item got dropped. not the item which is dragged. Is there any way?