
[FEATURE] Implement DAO registration & update flow

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As a DAO council member, I need to be able to complete the Project Registration flow via proposals to my DAO. So instead of e.g. sending a transaction directly to NEAR Social, I will create a Function Call proposal for my DAO that, when approved, will call NEAR Social. I also need to be able to make updates to my profile in the same manner.

Currently, "Register as DAO" checkbox exists, but this does nothing other than providing an input for the DAO address.

This feature is implemented on the BOS app - see here. This same general idea should be adopted here.

User Story(s):

As a _______, I want to ____, so that I can


Description of solution

Acceptance Criteria

Outline what needs to be done


Outline any potential limitations


  • outline links and relevant resources, references implementations