Emotion-Recognition Web Application With Streamlit

A CNN based Tensorflow implementation on facial expression recognition (FER2013 dataset), achieving 66,72% accuracy


  • python 3.7
  • Keras with TensorFlow as backend
  • Streamlit framework for web implementation

FER2013 Dataset:

  • 0 - Angry 😠
  • 1 - Disgust 😧
  • 2 - Fear 😨
  • 3 - Happy 😃
  • 4 - Sad 😞
  • 5 - Surprise 😮
  • 6 - Neutral 😐
  • The training set consists of 28,708 examples.
  • The model is represented as a json file :model.json

The separated dataset is already available to download in the two folders train and test.

Run the project on your local:

  • Open Anaconda's command prompt on the project's directory.
  • Install virtual environment : pip install virtualenv
  • Create virtual environment : virutalenv venv
  • Activate the virtual environment : source venv/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies in requirements.txt : pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install Streamlit : pip install streamlit
  • Run the app.py file : streamlit run app.py"
