
Custom theme: styles not applying

luanfreitasdev opened this issue · 1 comments

Discussed in #1477

Originally posted by keH1 March 26, 2024
Hello everyone, I've encountered a problem and can't figure out what's wrong. I'm trying to customize a table as instructed in the customization guide, and created my own class 'theme' => \App\Themes\TableGridTheme::class, and registered it in the config. Like in instruction: https://livewire-powergrid.com/table/custom-theme.html

I inherited from the Tailwind theme, refreshed the page - nothing works. Added to the search box a class "eewfewfwef", deleted all the others - refreshed the page - nothing.

I reverted to the classic theme 'theme' => \PowerComponents\LivewirePowerGrid\Themes\Tailwind::class, went to the path vendor/power-components/livewire-powergrid/src/Themes/Tailwind.php There, I added this class instead of others eewfewfwef and everything worked!

What's the problem? Why can't it override the classes that I set in my own theme? Moreover, if I change the theme name, everything crashes with an exception that the theme cannot be found...

Here is what I'm customizing:

public function searchBox(): SearchBox
        return Theme::searchBox()
            ->iconClose('text-pg-primary-400 dark:text-pg-primary-200')
            ->iconSearch('text-pg-primary-300 mr-2 w-5 h-5 dark:text-pg-primary-200');

and if it's in my class - nothing happened.

changing to the default theme and customize in the vendor folder - works great

I did everything as in the instructions. Any ideas?

Laravel 10.48 and Last PowerGrids