
Import Translations Error

cal1515-yl opened this issue · 1 comments

I have everything set up great via the Translations Builder external tool for my pbix file, however when I try to import translations, I get the following error "Sequence contains no matching element. Error: System.InvalidOperationException". However, if I try these on a different report just to see, one that doesn't need translation, it works. So, my question is, what in the data model/pbix itself do you think would allow only the import translation feature to fail but not the rest of it?

Amazing tool and a game changer, just need this final piece to work. The report is a pretty complex one, already with data translations and a multi fact model, would be a heartbreaker to have to recreate it in a separate pbix. Any help is appreciated!


I have everything set up great via the Translations Builder external tool for my pbix file, however when I try to import translations, I get the following error "Sequence contains no matching element. Error: System.InvalidOperationException". However, if I try these on a different report just to see, one that doesn't need translation, it works. So, my question is, what in the data model/pbix itself do you think would allow only the import translation feature to fail but not the rest of it?

Amazing tool and a game changer, just need this final piece to work. The report is a pretty complex one, already with data translations and a multi fact model, would be a heartbreaker to have to recreate it in a separate pbix. Any help is appreciated!


The issue was figured out. We had some commas in some of the labels we were translating and so that was causing the export to mismatch with what actually existed in the pbix meta data. Others might run into the same issue and a fix on the developer end might be the solution, but for now, don't use commas in any of the labels and you'll be good. For context, we have on screen help via a button that explains how to do some things in the dashboard. These are multiple sentence explanations that contained commas in them. The solution now is to get rid of the commas. Curious and interested how this would be solved in the application itself.