
Contributing to the blog - need more info

saladproblems opened this issue · 1 comments

Problem description or question

I'd love to submit my first post, but I'm stuck on a few things:

you must sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA). This is a one-time event.

There's no link or further information on how to do this.

Second, there isn't much info about how you'd like content to be posted. Should we make new branches for each post? The current folder structure appears to be Year/Month, but it stops at 2021. Should everything be posted to December 2021 and the site will just read the date, or should we post somewhere else?

Please take a look at the contribution guide in the Wiki. Use the GitHub workflow for a new post.

Once you submit a PR, the build automation adds a comment to the PR asking you to sign the CLA. There will be a link in the comment to take you to the signing page.

Let me know if you have any further questions.