
Out of memory error using static route

Closed this issue · 10 comments

It would seem get-content does not like large files

System.OutOfMemoryException: Array dimensions exceeded supported range.
   at System.Collections.ArrayList.set_Capacity(Int32 value)
   at System.Collections.ArrayList.EnsureCapacity(Int32 min)
   at System.Collections.ArrayList.Add(Object value)
   at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemContentReaderWriter.ReadByteEncoded(Boolean waitChanges, ArrayList blocks, Boolean readBack)
   at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemContentReaderWriter.Read(Int64 readCount)
   at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetContentCommand.ProcessRecord()At line:4 char:14
+ ...    $bytes = Get-Content "C:\WIM\Srv1709.wim" -Encoding Byte -ReadCoun ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thanks for this!

How big is the file?

4-6Gb not really something that can be stored in memory.
that error was when compiled for 4.7.1
compiled for core2 it just hangs. no error.

tried to reduce memory usage it with this
New-GetRoute -Path '/test.wim' -ScriptBlock { $response.SetContentType("application/octet-str
eam"); $response.Send((get-content C:\WIM\Srv1709.wim -AsByteStream)); }
no help.

Hmm ok. PowerShell just probably can't handle loading the huge file into memory.

Maybe Serve Static should not create scripts. That was kinda a hack to get some functionality. I have an idea on how to address this in the C# of Polaris - rather than in the PowerShell

I have been stareing at the code for the last two days, and it does look like it would need a separate code path. everything looks to expect a script.

Sorry - Can you say that a bit differently? I don't think I quite follow your last comment

I would like to help fix this. I have been looking at a number of options that work with large files. but I'm not sure where to start. the main part of the code expects a PowerShell script.

So what I was thinking is modifying this dictionary:

And instead of it being:

Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>

It could be:

Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, RouteAction>>

Where RouteAction is a new object we make that contains:

Type - string or enum that could be "FilePath" or "ScriptBlock"
Data - the data for that type 

Then in the listener loop:

Which is responsible for handling requests we can check which type the route action is and take the right action.

if (RouteAction == "ScriptBlock") {
    // trigger script block via PowerShell 
} else if (RouteAction == "File Path") {
    // do your idea

Does that make sense / sounds any good?

I think you should try the static route again. @Tiberriver256 made a change that handles files that are served statically a bit better.

I'm gonna close this since we can’t repo and have changed things. If you’re still seeing the problem, please open a new issue and we'll help further 😁