
Feature Request: "Are you sure, Sir?"

Opened this issue · 2 comments

So, pretty sad story here.

I wanted to add more than just 'reset password' rights to an AD account, so I just smashed 'All' in. I was going for something like:
Add-ObjectAcl -PrincipalSamAccountName rasta -TargetSamAccountName user -Rights All

But I somehow managed to miss out the TargetSamAccountName and ended up running:
Add-ObjectAcl -PrincipalSamAccountName rasta -Rights All

This proceeded to give the rasta account full control over every AD object that it could, which was a lot...

I'm not usually one for handholding; but perhaps it would be safe to put a check in place so that the user gets just a small nudge if they haven't specified a target, especially when applying full control?

It's a very valid point/request. Any function that modifies something, instead of just querying for information, should support a -Force flag like this example in Invoke-Shellcode - https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/blob/master/CodeExecution/Invoke-Shellcode.ps1#L32-L34 . That's on me for overlooking what should have been implemented as standard behavior.

I'll start looking into adding this same behavior into various PowerView functions.

Cheers Will