Problem with the Publish Task in the NewModule Plaster Template
constantinhager opened this issue · 0 comments
Everytime I want to run the Pulish Task the Task hangs by the step Publish-Module...
Invoking psake on build.psake.ps1 -taskList Publish
psake version 4.6.0
Copyright (c) 2010-2014 James Kovacs & Contributors
Executing Init
Executing Clean
Executing BeforeBuild
Executing BeforeStageFiles
Executing CoreStageFiles
Executing AfterStageFiles
Executing StageFiles
Executing Analyze
Script analysis is not enabled. Skipping Analyze task.
Executing Sign
Script signing is not enabled. Skipping Sign task.
Executing AfterBuild
Executing Build
Executing Test
Executing all tests in '.'
Executing script .....
Describing Module Manifest Tests
[+] Passes Test-ModuleManifest 1.21s
Tests completed in 1.21s
Tests Passed: 1, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0, Pending: 0, Inconclusive: 0
Code coverage report:
Covered 0.00 % of 11 analyzed Commands in 1 File.
Pester code coverage on specified files: 0%
Executing BeforeBuildHelp
Executing GenerateMarkdown
Executing GenerateHelpFiles
Executing AfterBuildHelp
Executing BuildHelp
Executing BeforeGenerateFileCatalog
Executing CoreGenerateFileCatalog
Script signing is not enabled. Skipping signing of file catalog.
Executing AfterGenerateFileCatalog
Executing GenerateFileCatalog
Executing BeforePublish
Executing CorePublish
Using stored NuGetApiKey
Calling Publish-Module...
I have to terminate the task because It runs endless.
If I ran the task in the PowerShell Terminal (Invoke-psake build.psake.ps1 -taskList Publish)
the output is as follows:
psake version 4.6.0
Copyright (c) 2010-2014 James Kovacs & Contributors
Executing Init
Executing Clean
Executing BeforeBuild
Executing BeforeStageFiles
Executing CoreStageFiles
Executing AfterStageFiles
Executing StageFiles
Executing Analyze
Script analysis is not enabled. Skipping Analyze task.
Executing Sign
Script signing is not enabled. Skipping Sign task.
Executing AfterBuild
Executing Build
Executing Test
Executing all tests in '.'
Executing script ...
Describing Module Manifest Tests
[+] Passes Test-ModuleManifest 1.98s
Tests completed in 1.98s
Tests Passed: 1, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0, Pending: 0, Inconclusive: 0
Code coverage report:
Covered 0.00 % of 11 analyzed Commands in 1 File.
Missed commands:
Pester code coverage on specified files: 0%
Executing BeforeBuildHelp
Executing GenerateMarkdown
Executing GenerateHelpFiles
Executing AfterBuildHelp
Executing BuildHelp
Executing BeforeGenerateFileCatalog
Executing CoreGenerateFileCatalog
Script signing is not enabled. Skipping signing of file catalog.
Executing AfterGenerateFileCatalog
Executing GenerateFileCatalog
Executing BeforePublish
Executing CorePublish
Using stored NuGetApiKey
Calling Publish-Module...
WARNING: ReleaseNotes is now supported in the module manifest file (.psd1). Update the module manifest file of module '....' in '....' with the newest ReleaseNotes changes. You can run Update-ModuleManifest -ReleaseNotes to update the manifest with ReleaseNotes.
Executing AfterPublish
Executing Publish
Build Succeeded!
Build Time Report
Name Duration
Init 00:00:00.0448669
Clean 00:00:00.1307184
BeforeBuild 00:00:00.0884830
BeforeStageFiles 00:00:00.0294489
CoreStageFiles 00:00:00.1466439
AfterStageFiles 00:00:00.0110576
StageFiles 00:00:00.0012127
Analyze 00:00:00.1339271
Sign 00:00:00.1325661
AfterBuild 00:00:00.0017343
Build 00:00:00.0088503
Test 00:00:06.1148114
BeforeBuildHelp 00:00:00.0111944
GenerateMarkdown 00:00:02.4901666
GenerateHelpFiles 00:00:01.0998583
AfterBuildHelp 00:00:00.0015989
BuildHelp 00:00:00.0073444
BeforeGenerateFileCatalog 00:00:00.0026538
CoreGenerateFileCatalog 00:00:00.2420053
AfterGenerateFileCatalog 00:00:00.1896681
GenerateFileCatalog 00:00:00.0024712
BeforePublish 00:00:00.0014032
CorePublish 00:00:27.4764341
AfterPublish 00:00:00.0092409
Publish 00:00:00.0012306
Total: 00:00:39.0957605
I do not understand the warning because i updated the src .psd1-File with the update-modulemanifest cmdlet.
So why does the task does finish completly but the PowerShell execution does?
VSCODE Version is: 1.23.0
PowerShell Extension Version is: 1.7.0