
[BUG] Add a name to greetings workflow - `greetings.yml`

Closed this issue · 5 comments


Just above the on: property, add a name: property.

I should look like this

name: Greetings


File path -


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Hey! contributor, thank you for opening an Issue 🎉.

Soon one of our maintainers will review it and provide you with feedback/suggestions. If you think it's something urgent, feel free to reach out Pradumna Saraf on Twitter. Star ⭐ this repo to show us support.

Happy, Open Source!

Hello! Please assign this issue to me. thanks!

if this issue available.....please assign to me.

Hey, @xanirudh. Due to lots of notifications, I didn't see your comment on the issue, you commented 1st, and I merged the PR of a different contributor. Please look for another issue. Sorry for that mistake.