
Not sure how to use this sink on 3.0.0 release - NBomberRunner.withReportingSinks API has gone?

dansowter opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello. Great job on NBomber - only a couple of days in, but really impressed so far.

I'm trying to set up the influx reporting sink, but as best as I can tell, there's currently a mismatch between the docs and the FSharp API for adding sinks.

I tried -

    |> NBomberRunner.registerScenarios
    |> NBomberRunner.withReportingInterval (seconds 5)
    |> fun context ->
        { context with
              Reporting =
                  { context.Reporting with
                        Sinks = [ influxDb ] } }

and received

15:07:48 [ERR] ReportingSinks feature supported only for the Enterprise version.

Must admit, this came as a bit of a nasty surprise. Am I right in understanding that Influx is now behind a paywall? Should I just go back to an earlier version?

Hi @dansowter

Yes, starting from v3.0 the RealtimeReporting is supported only for the Enterprise version.