
Bug fix: Images are not displayed when uploaded via Laravel File Manager.

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First of all, check if your server has the latest version of PHP.

First, try the following command:

php artisan storage:link

If it works, you won’t have to worry about the rest, otherwise continue with the following:

php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear

If that doesn’t work, continue with the following command:

php artisan optimize:clear

If that still doesn’t work, continue with the following: If you have the “public_html” folder and you have uploaded the files that exist in your “/public” folder to “/public_html”, you should modify the .htaccess file by placing the following command:

RewriteRule ^storage/(.+) public_html/storage/$1 [L]

If this doesn’t work, try creating a backup of your hosting files and upload your Laravel project again.

Or try to set your domain name in APP_URL (.env file).
