PS D:\PesterCI> "$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)"
PS D:\PesterCI> Get-Module Pester -ListAvailable
Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
Script 3.4.0 Pester {Describe, Context, It, Should...}
The code samples in here uses older version of Pester (and thus older syntax) with version 5 of powershell. I tried with newer versions of Powershell and Pester but had issues. I may/will migrate eventually to newer versions of both powershell/Pester using latest syntax of pester but for a POC, this suffices.
- Clone this project on your machine.
- Make a change in any of the files (except this readme file).
- This could be adding a new function/module/test or even as simple as adding a space.
- Add and commit this change.
- Push to Github (Git push)
- Now go to the GitHub page
- Click on any of the badges on the top of this file (Build or Test)
- This should take you to the appveyor page say for build
- If this build points to the latest commit you pushed, you are good. If not, login to appVeyor
- For me I was not able to login using github on chrome. Edge worked okay.
- Make a change, commit, push and try again.
- You should be able to see the latest build and tests status by navigating via badges.
- If you want to replicate the process, the appveyor.yml file in root is the one that does the magic.
- Customize this file for your needs in your project.
- Copy the scripts/modules you want to test in one directory.
- Copy the tests in another (as shown here).
- Invoke your tests from root (as shown in the appveyor.yml) file.
- You are good to check results in appveyor.yml.
- And yes, you would have to regiester for appveyor (if not done already).
- I used github to login/register. Then selected the project where I wanted to run the CI tests.
- If stuck, use this very detailed article that I used to setup my project.
PS D:\PesterCI> Invoke-Pester -OutputFormat NUnitXml -OutputFile .\TestResults.xml -PassThru -CodeCoverage .\PSScripts*.ps1, .\PSScripts*.psm1
Describing Get-DoubleOfANumber
Testing with $num: 0
Result is : 0
[+] double of 0 is 0 696ms
Testing with $num: 1
Result is : 2
[+] double of 1 is 2 152ms
Testing with $num: 5
Result is : 10
[+] double of 5 is 10 150ms
Describing Demonstrating Code Coverage
[+] Calls FunctionOne with no switch parameter set 289ms
[+] Calls FunctionTwo 140ms
Tests completed in 1.43s
Passed: 5 Failed: 0 Skipped: 0 Pending: 0 Inconclusive: 0
Code coverage report:
Covered 77.78% of 9 analyzed commands in 1 file.
Missed commands:
File Function Line Command
Get-DoubleOfANumber.ps1 FunctionOne 17 return 'SwitchParam was set'
Get-DoubleOfANumber.ps1 FunctionTwo 28 return 'I do not'
- More options for running with coverage are here:
- More options for creating test reports are here: