
Created a multi-threaded text file ranking command line application in C++ which accpets files path as input. Here one thread is responsible for searching all the text files in the given directory while others threads do the processing of the searched files simultaneously and store the results in MTabel data strucrure.

Primary LanguageC++


Created a multi-threaded text files’ word ranking command line application in C++. Here Search Thread is responsible for searching all the text files in the given directory and its subdirectories while other 5 Worker Threads do the processing of the searched files from Sync Queue simultaneously and store the results in Master Table data strucrure.

System Design



There are three modules SerachThread, SyncQueue and WorkerThread.


This module search for .txt file in the path specified as command line argument. In addition, it sends file to SyncQueue module. SearchThread stop working once searching is over.


This module send the file in a synchronized Queue. This module provides file to WorkerThread module for processing. SyncQueue provides access of its Queue to only one WorkerThread at a time.


This module has 5 workerthread and each thread get the file to process from SyncQueue module.After getting the file, each workerthread reads the file and fetch words to save in a data structure called Master Table. Master Table is a data structure, which contains words with their frequency.

Once the file search is complete and all text files finish processing, the program prints out the top 10 words and their counts.We just want to find the top 10 words across a directory tree of text files.

How to run the program

$ make

$ ./wordindex.out DIR