These are Helm charts for installation and maintenance of Aqua Container Security Platform Console, Database, Gateway, Scanner, and Enforcer components.
- Aqua Security Helm Charts
This repository includes two charts that may be deployed separately:
- Server - deploys the Console, Gateway, and Database components, and optionally the Scanner component
- Enforcer - deploys the Enforcer daemonset
- Scanner - deploys the aqua scanner cli deployment
The Aqua server (Console and Gateway) components are available in our private repository, which requires authentication. By default, the charts create a secret based on the values.yaml.
First, create a new namespace named "aqua":
kubectl create namespace aqua
Next, (Optional) create the secret:
kubectl create secret docker-registry csp-registry-secret --docker-server="" --namespace aqua --docker-username="" --docker-password="Truckin" --docker-email=""
Aqua Security recommends implementing a highly-available PostgreSQL database. By default, the console chart will install a PostgreSQL database and attach it to persistent storage for POC usage and testing. For production use, one may override this default behavior and specify an existing PostgreSQL database by setting the following variables in values.yaml:
enabled: true
name: example-aquasec
host: aquasec-db
port: 5432
user: aquasec-db-username
password: verysecret
Aqua CSP has the ability to deploy a scanning pod that is external to the Aqua Server. This dedicated scanning pod allows the Server to run unprivileged, and provides a high-throughput scanning queue anywhere you choose. To install the Scanner-CLI alongside the Server components, set the following variables in values.yaml:
enabled: true
scanner.replicas: "Set quantity"
This section not all-inclusive. It includes information regarding common issues Aqua has encountered during deployments
Error: UPGRADE/INSTALL FAILED, configmaps is forbidden.
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: configmaps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default" cannot list configmaps in the namespace "kube-system"
Solution: Create a service account for Tiller to utilize.
kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'
helm init --service-account tiller --upgrade
Error: No persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set.
Solution: Most managed Kubernetes deployments do NOT include all possible storage provider variations at setup time. Refer to the official Kubernetes guidance for your platform. Three primary examples are shown below.
Amazon EKS
kind: StorageClass apiVersion: metadata: name: aqua-console-db-data provisioner: parameters: type: gp2 reclaimPolicy: Retain mountOptions: - debug volumeBindingMode: Immediate
Azure AKS
kind: StorageClass apiVersion: metadata: name: slow provisioner: parameters: storageaccounttype: Standard_LRS kind: Shared
Google GKE
kind: StorageClass apiVersion: metadata: name: slow provisioner: parameters: type: pd-standard replication-type: none
Error: When executing kubectl get events -n aqua
you might encounter one of the following errors:
no persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set or PersistentVolumeClaim is not bound.
Solution: If you encounter this error, you need to create a persistent volume prior to chart installation with a generic or existing storage class, specifying db.persistence.storageClass
within the values.yaml. A sample file using aqua-storage
is included in the repo.
kubectl apply -f pv-example.yaml
- Creating an ingress to access the Aqua Server
- IBM Cloud Private includes a bundled ingress controller. A sample ingress yaml file is included in the repo.
kubectl apply -f ingress-example.yaml
- Alternative Ingress Configuration
- The services charts are set to create `ClusterIP' ingress types. You may tune these as appropriate for your environment.
Clone the GitHub repository with the charts
git clone
cd aqua-helm/
Optional Update the Helm charts values.yaml file with your environment's custom values. This eliminates the need to pass the parameters to the helm command. Then run one of the commands below to install the relevant services.
helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua csp ./server --set imageCredentials.username=<>,imageCredentials.password=<>,<>
helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua csp-enforcer ./enforcer --set imageCredentials.username=<>,imageCredentials.password=<>,<>,enforcerToken=<aquasec-token>
helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua scanner ./scanner --set imageCredentials.username=<>,imageCredentials.password=<>,<>
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Console and Enforcer charts with their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
imageCredentials.create |
Set if to create new pull image secret | true | |
Your Docker pull image secret name | csp-registry-secret |
imageCredentials.username |
Your Docker registry (DockerHub, etc.) username | N/A |
imageCredentials.password |
Your Docker registry (DockerHub, etc.) password | N/A |
rbac.enabled |
Create a service account and a ClusterRole | false |
rbac.roleRef |
Use an existing ClusterRole | `` |
admin.token |
Use this Aqua license token | N/A |
admin.password |
Use this Aqua admin password | N/A |
db.external.enabled |
Avoid installing a Postgres container and use an external database instead | false | |
PostgreSQL DB name | N/A | |
PostgreSQL DB hostname | N/A |
db.external.port |
PostgreSQL DB port | N/A |
db.external.user |
PostgreSQL DB username | N/A |
db.external.password |
PostgreSQL DB password | N/A |
db.image.repository |
Default PostgreSQL Docker image repository | database |
db.image.tag |
Default PostgreSQL Docker image tag | 4.2 |
db.service.type |
Default PostgreSQL service type | ClusterIP |
db.persistence.enabled |
Enable a use of a PostgreSQL PVC | true |
db.persistence.storageClass |
PostgreSQL PVC StorageClass | default |
db.persistence.size |
PostgreSQL PVC volume size | 30Gi |
db.persistence.accessMode |
PostgreSQL PVC volume AccessMode | ReadWriteOnce |
db.resources |
PostgreSQL pod resources | {} |
web.service.type |
Web service type | ClusterIP |
web.ingress.enabled |
Install ingress for the web component | false |
web.image.repository |
Default Web Docker image repository | server |
web.image.tag |
Default Web Docker image tag | 4.2 |
web.ingress.annotations |
Web ingress annotations | {} |
web.ingress.hosts |
Web ingress hosts definition | [] |
web.ingress.tls |
Web ingress tls | [] |
gate.service.type |
Gate service type | ClusterIP |
gate.image.repository |
Default Gate Docker image repository | gate |
gate.image.tag |
Default Gate Docker image tag | 4.2 |
gate.publicIP |
Default Gate service public IP | `` |
scanner.enabled |
Enable the Scanner-CLI component | false |
scanner.replicaCount |
Number of Scanner-CLI replicas to run | 1 |
scanner.user |
Username for the scanner user assigned to the Scanner role | N/A |
scanner.password |
Password for scanner user | N/A |
Parameter | Description | Default |
imageCredentials.create |
Set if to create new pull image secret | false | |
Your Docker pull image secret name | aqua-image-pull-secret |
imageCredentials.username |
Your Docker registry (DockerHub, etc.) username | N/A |
imageCredentials.password |
Your Docker registry (DockerHub, etc.) password | N/A |
enforcerToken |
Aqua Enforcer token | N/A |
server |
Gateway host name | aqua-gateway |
port |
Gateway port | 3622 |
Parameter | Description | Default |
rbac.enabled |
Create a service account and a ClusterRole | false |
rbac.roleRef |
Use an existing ClusterRole | `` |
admin.token |
Use this Aqua license token | N/A |
admin.password |
Use this Aqua admin password | N/A |
docker.socket.path |
Docker Socket Path | /var/run/docker.sock |
serviceAccount |
Service Account to use | csp-sa |
server.serviceName |
Service name of aqua server ui | csp-consul-svc |
server.port |
service svc port | 8080 |
docker.socket.path |
Docker Socket Path | /var/run/docker.sock |
docker.socket.path |
Docker Socket Path | /var/run/docker.sock |
enabled |
Enable the Scanner-CLI component | false |
replicaCount |
Number of Scanner-CLI replicas to run | 1 |
user |
Username for the scanner user assigned to the Scanner role | N/A |
password |
Password for scanner user | N/A |
If you encounter any problems or would like to give us feedback on deployments, we encourage you to raise issues here on GitHub please contact us at