Visualize external dependencies using Export-AzViz -ResourceGroup
PrateekKumarSingh opened this issue · 1 comments
Ability to plot external dependencies and network associations outside the target resource group or the subscription will result better visualization and add more meaning to the diagram
Reference: #39
Hello, Prateek, i am unsure as to where should i post this. i am exporting multiple resource group.
Export-AzViz -ResourceGroup rgPRS-AD-DR, rgPRS-AD-Production, rgPRS-File-Production, rgPRS-OVPN-DR, rgPRS-OVpn-Production, rgPRS-SB-Production, rgPRS-SHPT-Production, RGPRS-SQL-PRODUCTION, rgPRS-WebPortal-DR, RGPRS-WEBPORTAL-PROD -ExcludeTypes "Microsoft.Storage*", "Microsoft.Web*", "microsoft.devtestlab*", "microsoft.keyvault*", "microsoft.alertsmanagement*", "microsoft.operationalinsights*", "microsoft.insights*", "microsoft.desktopvirtualization*", "microsoft.compute/availabilitysets*" -Theme neon -OutputFormat png -Show -LabelVerbosity 2 -CategoryDepth 1
I am getting below error.
dot.exe : Warning: Two clusters named clusterWebPortal - the second will be ignored
At C:\Users\akshay.bhadoria\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzViz\1.2.1\src\private\ConvertTo-DOTLangauge.ps1:334 char:25
& $GraphViz.FullName $dot_file
- CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Warning: Two cl...will be ignored:String) [], RemoteException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError