
Can't Import an Vault with 4 folder Deep.

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Trying to import an Vault that have 6 Folders deep folders, it warns that i can't import those and just don't import.
First, i thought it was an limitation on Foundry but... I've tested and put 15 folders inside one another, so the depth level, seems to be something on Lava-Flow side.

Any idea of what could it be?

Foundry VTT max folder depth is 2. One folder and a subfolder.

Not for a long time.
IT was like that around V7 or V8.
V12 we have 4 Depth Folder as a Default thing, with Modules that allow even deeper folders.

Since it uses the Foundry API to create folders, it is limited by vanilla Foundry. What module are you using to increase folder depth? Issue #49 reports using Moar Folders.