
[FEATURE REQUEST] Bluetooth: Add ability to connect to known device

Opened this issue · 3 comments

As in stock KDE applet

That is in my to-do but it's going to take time.

Actually, saved bluetooth devices show up in the network connections section too. You can connect to them from there.

saved bluetooth devices show up in the network connections section too

How come? In the list of Wifi networks?

The problem is that with multiple bluetooth devices this tool cannot be used. They are not listed, clicking the bluetooth button disables bluetooth (hardware) as such! There is no access to any externally attached device whatsoever, the one listed is the first in the list of attached devices (list visible in the system tray), but that list is not displayed by this tool, and devices cannot be disabled or enabled separately.

I understand it is a beta and bugs are expected but this is a problem of structure: with a bluetooth mouse and a bluetooth speaker what should I do to detach the speaker? Clicking with a mouse I lose the mouse.

How is this tool supposed to be used? is it in combination with the system tray? is it an alternative?