Add please cvar sm_rebel_enable, need to disable sm_r sm_rebel commands
SHAREN opened this issue · 6 comments
public Action:Command_Rebel(iClient, iArgs)
if (Client_IsValid(iClient)) {
if (CVAR == 0) {
CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t", "Rebel-IsDisabled");
} else if (GetClientTeam(iClient) != CS_TEAM_T) {
CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t", "Rebel-PrisonersOnly");
} else if (!IsPlayerAlive(iClient)) {
CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t", "Rebel-AliveOnly");
} else if (!TG_IsPlayerRedOrBlue(iClient)) {
CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t", "Rebel-InTeamOnly");
} else {
return Plugin_Handled;
And new key "2" for tg_game_rebelattack
// Action taken when red/blue T attack CT during game
// 0 = no dmg & no rebel
// 1 = no dmg & make rebel
// 2 = dmg & no rebel
Or how to make so that during games T could kill CT?
- Why do you want to disable sm_rebel? I think prisoners should have a way how to rebel against TeamGames. Now this command allows prisoners to leave team and even leave game, so they can rebel.
- Why do you want to allow prisoners to attack wardens during game? I think it's unfair because prisoners get weapons for game and I can easily imagine what would happen if you start Machines + 500HP...
I just don't see the point here...
Because CT when no admins specifically activated games that T could not rebel
Well, then it's problem originating from rules and their breaking. Anyway, prisoners can use command sm_rebel to leave team/game.
You also might set cvar tg_menu _percent
to partialy avoid that problem.
Or I can create some "time lock" module which would disable tg games for first N seconds of each round.
Time lock is on my TODO list now.
Time locks (TG menu, TG games) done - 7790b32