
Add please cvar sm_rebel_enable, need to disable sm_r sm_rebel commands

SHAREN opened this issue · 6 comments

For Example

public Action:Command_Rebel(iClient, iArgs)
    if (Client_IsValid(iClient)) {
        if (CVAR == 0) {
            CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t", "Rebel-IsDisabled");
        } else if (GetClientTeam(iClient) != CS_TEAM_T) {
            CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t", "Rebel-PrisonersOnly");
        } else if (!IsPlayerAlive(iClient)) {
            CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t", "Rebel-AliveOnly");
        } else if (!TG_IsPlayerRedOrBlue(iClient)) {
            CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t", "Rebel-InTeamOnly");
        } else {

    return Plugin_Handled;

And new key "2" for tg_game_rebelattack
// Action taken when red/blue T attack CT during game
// 0 = no dmg & no rebel
// 1 = no dmg & make rebel
// 2 = dmg & no rebel

Or how to make so that during games T could kill CT?

  1. Why do you want to disable sm_rebel? I think prisoners should have a way how to rebel against TeamGames. Now this command allows prisoners to leave team and even leave game, so they can rebel.
  2. Why do you want to allow prisoners to attack wardens during game? I think it's unfair because prisoners get weapons for game and I can easily imagine what would happen if you start Machines + 500HP...

I just don't see the point here...

Because CT when no admins specifically activated games that T could not rebel

Well, then it's problem originating from rules and their breaking. Anyway, prisoners can use command sm_rebel to leave team/game.

You also might set cvar tg_menu _percent to partialy avoid that problem.

Or I can create some "time lock" module which would disable tg games for first N seconds of each round.

Time lock is on my TODO list now.

Time locks (TG menu, TG games) done - 7790b32