
Friendly fire for CTs

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I would have a new ConVar request.
I'm not happy with this part:

// CT can't hurt CT
if (iAttackerTeam == CS_TEAM_CT && iVictimTeam == CS_TEAM_CT)
return Plugin_Handled;

I used by mistake an old modified version of TG for all my testings and forgot about this part. To keep compatibility with MyJailbreak I wrote this little plugin to toggle your friendly fire system #20 . But now I ran in the issue for CTs in a FreeForAll or "teammates_are_enemies round". stupid me.

Would be nice to have a Cvar to toggle CTs friendly fire or include this in tg_team_none_attack or maybe even a native? Or maybe you got a better idea to handle this conflict, instead of toggling cvars.
Much Thnks!

I see you make a new cvar. Much thanks! gonna implement it in my plugin!