
List of special characters to be used in password

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Many websites require a special character from a predefined list, and this list often changes from site to site. It would be great for the password generator to accept a list of special characters to be used

password 12 !$%*

would generate a 12-character password and would not use any special characters not provided in the list

Good morning,

Could you please assign this issue to me? I'd love to work on it and here's what I have in mind:

  • Rewrite the random function to utilize crypto.random for a more robust random generator.
  • Introduce options like -e (--exclude) to remove characters after a specified point.
  • Implement options like -nn (--no-number) to exclude numbers and -ns (--no-symbol) to exclude symbols.
  • Establish a default behavior, as suggested by @Tytrater, where if a password size is provided after a blank space, all characters preceding it will be excluded from password generation.
  • Similarly, if only the query trigger keyword is provided, then all characters after that should be ignored when generating the password.

Thanks for considering my request!