
Few FO hooks are not listed in the dev doc

ElodieOS opened this issue · 7 comments

I've found a few FO hooks that aren't listed in the devdoc. However, some of them exist and can be used in the transplant module list. I have noted this list :

  • displayProductButtons
  • graphEngine
  • gridEngine
  • paymentReturn
  • displayContactRightColomn
  • displayAdminOrderBottom
  • displayAdminOrderTabOrder
  • displayAdminOrderTabShip
  • displayAdminOrderTop
  • displayAdminOrdersListAfter
  • displayAdminStatsGraphEngine
  • displayAdminStatsGridEngine
  • displayAttributeForm
  • displayAttributeGroupPostProcess
  • displaybackOfficeFooter
  • displaybackOfficeHome
  • displaybackOfficeOrderActions
  • displayContentWrapperBottom
  • displayContentWrapperTop
  • displayFeatureValueForm
  • displayHeaderCategory
  • displayModuleConfigureExtraButtons (BO)
  • displayNav
  • displayPDFInvoice
  • displayProductExtraContent
  • displayWrapperBottom
  • displayWrapperTop

Good job @ElodieOS 🎉

Beware that some of them may be deprecated - paymentReturn for example?

I had a tool somewhere that scanned the code for hooks and compared it with devdocs and database, I will try to find it. :-)

Thank you @Hlavtox!

Oh it will be perfect if you have a tool like this yes! Indeed, I think some of them would be deprecated

also Missing :

  • gridEngine
  • graphEngine

see #1540

Missing item Information Link
displayProductButtons created
graphEngine aliased to displayAdmonStatsGraphEngine #1733
paymentReturn renamed to displayPaymentReturn
displayContactRightColomn typo in your list, it is displayContactRightColumn
displayAdminOrderBottom This one is listed in hook.xml but never rendered
displayAdminOrderTabOrder deprecated from 1.7.7
displayAdminOrderTabShip deprecated from 1.7.7
displayAdminOrderTop fixed #1733
displayAdminOrdersListAfter Unable to find any valid reference to this one
displayAdminStatsGraphEngine created #1733
displayAdminStatsGridEngine created #1733
displayAttributeForm created #1733
displayAttributeGroupPostProcess needs some work to be integrated (ps_faceted_search)
displaybackOfficeFooter deprecated from 1.7.7
displaybackOfficeHome deprecated from at least 1.6.x
displaybackOfficeOrderActions aliased to displayAdminOrderSide
displayContentWrapperBottom created
displayContentWrapperTop created
displayFeatureValueForm created #1733
displayHeaderCategory created #1733
displayModuleConfigureExtraButtons created #1733
displayNav use displayNav1 or displayNav2 for classic derived themes
displayPDFInvoice created
displayProductExtraContent created #1749
displayWrapperBottom created
displayWrapperTop created

Related PR to fix missing displayProductButtons : PrestaShop/ps-docs-theme#45

all done 👍