
Adding a configuration page with Symfony forms

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I followed all the described steps, but it does not work and gives an error with debugger.

Module 'demosymfonyformsimple' doesn't work either.

Hello @OlenaTSaruk , can you tell me what kind of message the debugger is indicating?

    But I have ContactConfigurationController

  2. for 'demosymfonyformsimple'

Did you ran composer dump-autoload from within the module folder ? As indicated here :

Then, run composer dump-autoload from the module’s directory to generate the autoload.php file. See [Setup composer in a module]( for more informations.

I ran composer dump-autoload, but the error persists:
"The controller for URI "/modules/contactformimg/configuration" is not callable: Controller "PrestaShop\Module\ContactFormImg\Controller\ContactConfigurationController" does neither exist as service nor as class."

@OlenaTSaruk could you send us a full module?

Since we have had no news from you for more than 20 days, I'm closing this Issue.