QA feedbacks - bug list
Opened this issue · 6 comments
Update 16.03.2023
- Resize screen to mobile, open filters, resize screen back to desktop. ➡️ Empty modal is open.
- Resize screen to mobile, resize it back ➡️ Price slider doesn't work.
- displayCarrierExtraContent hook is working, but is not appearing and disappearing dynamically, only on page load. - #478
- When you add more items than in stock from product list, they are added and no modal or error is displayed.
- When you add more items than in stock from product page, it shows
The product is no longer available in this quantity.
, but it gets added to cart. - When you delete a product from cart, there are some extra parameters in the URL -
- Add more items to cart than is in stock, go to cart.
- You see
Mug The best is yet to come is no longer available in this quantity. You cannot proceed with your order until the quantity is adjusted.
, but you don't know how many pieces are in stock. - You change quantity, the error disappears, only a toast is shown in top right.
- Even though there is an error
Proceed to checkout
is active. - When you click it, you stay on the same page, but the red error disappears.
- When you add another product that is in stock, go to cart, delete this instock product, the red error disappears.
- You see
- Question: Return Merchandise, why you didn't change the color of badge according to the status of return (why it always blue) (Response: IDK what you are talking about but colors comes from the backend so it's probably related to the core not the theme?)
- Also, when we already choose a code promo and we click on another the accordion of Promo code closes ❌ (Response: core issue, pretty sure you can reproduce it on classic)
- there's no background and no style to differentiate the table of specific prices
- Style category left column module.
- Style other prices like unit prices and ecotax and others.
- Using price filter in faceted search removes all other URL paramters other than
. This breaks filtering on search page for example, if your module supports it. - #452 - Price filter slider broken due to weight slider. - #451
- Price filter - wrong format of numbers. No space between thousands and . instead of , for decimal places. OK in active filters section. - #451
- Weight slider formatting not provided, no space between weight and unit in active filters.
- Logo is shifted on homepage VS other pages.
- Search results dropdown not working, it's rendered, but not visible for some reason. This worked correcly before.
- Menu & sub-menu: no hover action
- Search: google auto-fill is working (it shouldn't work) + when the list is displayed, there's no hover action on the items (background of the element should be changed)
- Language: the cursor should change as a hand, and there's no css/style for the language list
- image-sample 2: the text-color is grey, so it's unreadable as the background another grey (the text-color should be white) (Response: Not related the theme but default pictures of the module, we shouldn't really care)
- Everything works except the psgdpr checkbow is not displayed and it's known issue #30348 (not related to the theme)
New Products page + all Products page
What's wrong with this page? why it displays only Accessories Products (see the first attached screenshot)
@Hlavtox - There is no issue on theme side, category block displays the category of last category visited in cookie. This is an issue that must be addressed in ps_categorytree module. EDIT: It is already fixed in categorytree 2.0.3 ;-) -
Question: shouldn't all filters be open at first? 😅 (Response: ISO Behavior of classic is closed, and opened if it's an active filter)
About category-tree__item like Men and Women under Clothes, shouldn't be with other style? 😅
For ex (see the second attached screenshot), I used (Response: We followed the mockups, nothing to do there):
font-weight: 400;
padding-left: 5px; -
When I click on wishlist-button-add, nothing happen, it should display a connexion modal (when you're not connected) and it should display the modal Add to my favorites when the user is connected (Response: Not related to the theme, you need to reset the module and everything will be fine, this is a known bug when you switch from one theme to another or install it the first time)
- Finish checkout up to Payment step. Hit F5, click Shipping method step, see both steps. Active step button on top is missing
class on page load. - #450 - It's not possible to finish second step in checkout. You click save address, page reloads and nothing happens. This worked correcly before. - #445
- While creating a new account, there's some HTML tags are displayed (known issue #29940) (Response: not related to the theme I think)
- Why I found Mrs. always selected by default, even thought I choose Mr. but I made a mistake in password, the page reloads and display Mrs. checked 🤯 (even in Information page, I get the same behavior, I already register the customer as Mr.
- Click on show details, you will see that the product price is written twice as there's a discount on it but there's no discount 😮 (see the third attached screenshot)
- when I click on Customized button, I encounter some weird behavior, when I close the modal, the button status changes to focus (see the attached screen record) (Response: BS5 has the same behavior:
- As a customer, I send a message about a product, the message is well displayed ✅ but there's no space between the Messages and Add a message blocks, you need to add
in the - The message block is a mess, you need to work on it (see the attached screenshot n°5)
- It's not possible to create a new address. You save the form,
Please fix the error below.
appears, but there are no errors and the form is correctly filled out. This worked correcly before. - #445 - where are the error messages? (Response: They are not displayed because we use bootstrap validation and most of the time it doesn't work because its out of the viewport so the message disappear, I feel like it's better as it is right now but we might discuss it with the product team, anyway we can't do anything really interesting there :( )
- This error is not displayed when we use the hummingbird theme
** MOBILE **
- Except in the checkout, these two blocks (reassurrance & order_summary) should be dispplayed under the checkout process block 😉
- that banner buttons arrow_left and arrow_right are too big ❌
- the blocks Email us and Address are not displayed ❌
Here are every screen record attached, sorry 😆
Contact us.webm
specific price.webm
@NeOMakinG When adding new address - Please fix the error below
, but there is no error. In checkout, it just dies silently. It must be related to some recent fixes regarding the addresses.
Is there any issue related to " It's not possible to finish second step in checkout. You click save address, page reloads and nothing happens. This worked correcly before. "
I've some trouble with the wishlist-button-add on product page and lists..
In the last update you've said :
When I click on wishlist-button-add, nothing happen, it should display a connexion modal (when you're not connected) and it should display the modal Add to my favorites when the user is connected (Response: Not related to the theme, you need to reset the module and everything will be fine, this is a known bug when you switch from one theme to another or install it the first time)
For me this solution not working.. I reset many times the module but when i click on the button still nothing happens..
Any idea where the problem could come from?
Thanks for your help!
- When you add more items than in stock from product list, they are added and no modal or error is displayed.
i using .js-cart-line-product-quantity
When adding more than 102, variable prestashop.cart display 103 quantity (that is fault ?)
i upgrading custom element in ps_shoppingcart in Hummingbird
in clean prestashop 8.1.2 + hummingbird same problem, but ajax (var preview) replacing html code in .cart-overview.js-cart