A small wrapper class to add python inspired string functionalities in C++
This 'library' is made out of a single header file and an additional cpp file which contains some of the longer method implementaions. The header file contains a wrapper class for the cpp standard library string type to add some of the functionalities I tend to use quite frequently and an 'ValueError' exception that may be thrown by the string-to-number conversion methods. It inherits directly from std::exception and holds a constant 'what'-string, a method specific message and the string data that caused the exception.
Performance might not be the best, however the main goal here was only to provide a comfortable python like environment. Just for convenience some self modifying versions of the string methods are available.
The actual std::string is a public class member, so that not all of the standard functionalities like 'substr()', had to be reimplemented or wrapped. Only 'compare()' and 'find()' were wrapped to return a more intuitive bool value and reduce code.
Although I use this library myself, I can not guarantee that my implementations always work correctly in all edge cases, or similarly to their python equivalents.
Maybe I will add other things here later on, when I need to extend my summary of frequently functions.