This is a mono repo of things run on egimoto and related websites, plus things created to keep the former running.
Npm packages from this repo can be installed with GitPkg. This is a useful service that allows installing npm packages located in sub-directories of a GitHub repository.
Timestamp service: A simple service for cryptographically signed timestamps
Install via GitPkg:
npm install ''
Proxy: Proxy server handling and distributing incoming http and https traffic
Install via GitPkg:
npm install ''
Digital Voice Dashboard: Dashboard for the digital voice radio MMVDM software
Install via GitPkg:
npm install ''
MMDVM Monitor: Monitoring application for the MMVDM software that parses log messages to send MQTT messages
Install via GitPkg:
npm install ''
Mqtt Logger: A simple framework that allows remote logging by sending messages to a mqtt broker
Install via GitPkg:
npm install ''
Commits and Pull-Requests use a prefix to indicate where they belong to. Each service and package has a unique prefix. For example, if you were to make a commit related to the proxy server service with the summary "Improved feature X" your commit title is supposed to read as "Proxy: Improved feature X". The list of all the namespaces is down below. Also, your commit title should always start capitalized.
- This root ReadMe file:
- Timestamp service:
- Proxy server:
- Digital Voice Dashboard:
- MMDVM Monitor:
MMDVM Monitor
- Mqtt Logger: