
Web Settings issue

furiaceka87 opened this issue · 3 comments

When I run npm run settings command I get the correct answer from terminal:

> stock-alert-bot@2.0.0 settings
> node server/index.js
Setting up server...
Looking for .env file...
.env file found! Attempting to read...
Importing important stuff...
Starting server...
Setting up routes...
Opening settings page...
Server started!

But when I go to the setting page (ip:3250) I cannot add links and I have empty settings page.

I have any error when I try to add link, but simply not possible to add it. I've also tried to give 777 permission to the installation folder without any change.

Hi. Which browser are you using to access localhost:3250?
If it's Firefox or Chrome, could you post a screencap of the console in the DevTools (Chrome) or Developer Tools (Firefox)?

Here it is the screenshot using chrome:

Thanks to PrinceS25 I solved the issue.
I've changed localhost with my server IP or address in server/index.html on line 807, 814, 825 and 842.
http://MYSERVERADDRESS:3250/config instead of http://localhost:3250/config