Closed this issue · 8 comments
Please reference A light-weight stereo matching network with color guidance refinement. I am not certain if I have a PyTorch backup from a project 4 years ago. If available, I will update in free time.
Please reference A light-weight stereo matching network with color guidance refinement. I am not certain if I have a PyTorch backup from a project 4 years ago. If available, I will update in free time.
Please reference A light-weight stereo matching network with color guidance refinement. I am not certain if I have a PyTorch backup from a project 4 years ago. If available, I will update in free time.
- For the issue of inference time, on the one hand, the performance of the 3060 is still a gap from the 2080Ti or Titan XP. Additionally, the inference time should not include data loading and post-processing.
- Have you tried to use the Paddle version of the code and provided model checkpoint to inference KITTI2015 directly? I recommend doing this first to get correctly FPS and accuracy.
- For the issue of inference time, on the one hand, the performance of the 3060 is still a gap from the 2080Ti or Titan XP. Additionally, the inference time should not include data loading and post-processing.
- Have you tried to use the Paddle version of the code and provided model checkpoint to inference KITTI2015 directly? I recommend doing this first to get correctly FPS and accuracy.
- For the issue of inference time, on the one hand, the performance of the 3060 is still a gap from the 2080Ti or Titan XP. Additionally, the inference time should not include data loading and post-processing.
- Have you tried to use the Paddle version of the code and provided model checkpoint to inference KITTI2015 directly? I recommend doing this first to get correctly FPS and accuracy.
def test(imgL,imgR):
if args.cuda:
imgL = imgL.cuda()
imgR = imgR.cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
output = model(imgL,imgR)
output = torch.squeeze(output).data.cpu().numpy()
return output
start_time = time.time()
pred_disp = test(imgL,imgR)
print('time = %.2f' %(time.time() - start_time))
- As far as I know, Anynet should have higher efficiency during the inference process because they have implemented CUDA operators at the lower level to accelerate computations. Similarly, different versions of PyTorch can also affect inference efficiency.
- In my view, inference time refers to the time it takes for a neural network to perform a single forward pass, and for some task e.g. object detection, it should also include the post-process time like NMS which whould significantly effect the model accuracy.
- If calculating the entire pipeline time, it should include data loading and post-processing, as preprocessing and postprocessing are often data-related but independent of the model. For regular model inference, the sizes of data input and output are usually fixed.