Implementing `gr_torus` for user defined spacetime
osokoliuk opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi. I'm quite new to Athena++, so sorry if this question is confusing . I'm trying to somehow adapt GR MHD torus for user defined spacetime, admitting spherical symmetry. For example, I have a spacetime (Schild wormhole with throat radius r0 and present tidal forces):
#include <cmath> // abs(), cos(), log(), sin(), sqrt()
#include "../athena.hpp"
#include "../athena_arrays.hpp"
#include "../eos/eos.hpp"
#include "../mesh/mesh.hpp"
#include "../parameter_input.hpp"
#include "coordinates.hpp"
void SchildWH(Real x1, Real x2, Real x3, ParameterInput *pin,
AthenaArray<Real> &g, AthenaArray<Real> &g_inv, AthenaArray<Real> &dg_dx1,
AthenaArray<Real> &dg_dx2, AthenaArray<Real> &dg_dx3)
// Extract inputs
Real aa = pin->GetReal("coord", "aa");
Real r0 = pin->GetReal("coord", "r0");
Real r = x1;
Real theta = x2;
Real phi = x3;
// Calculate intermediate quantities
Real sth = std::sin(theta);
Real cth = std::cos(theta);
Real shape = r0;
Real redshift = -aa/r;
Real dshape = 0;
Real dredshift = aa/(r*r);
// Set covariant components
g(I00) = -std::exp(2*redshift);
g(I11) = 1/(1-shape/r);
g(I22) = r*r;
g(I33) = r*r*sth*sth;
g(I01) = 0.0;
g(I02) = 0.0;
g(I03) = 0.0;
g(I12) = 0.0;
g(I13) = 0.0;
g(I23) = 0.0;
// Set contravariant components
g_inv(I00) = -std::exp(-2*redshift);
g_inv(I11) = 1-shape/r;
g_inv(I22) = 1/(r*r);
g_inv(I33) = 1/(r*r*sth*sth);
g_inv(I01) = 0.0;
g_inv(I02) = 0.0;
g_inv(I03) = 0.0;
g_inv(I12) = 0.0;
g_inv(I13) = 0.0;
g_inv(I23) = 0.0;
// Set r-derivatives of covariant components
dg_dx1(I00) = -2*std::exp(-2*redshift)*dredshift;
dg_dx1(I11) = (r*dshape-shape)/((r-shape)*(r-shape));
dg_dx1(I22) = 2*r;
dg_dx1(I33) = 2*r*sth*sth
dg_dx1(I01) = 0.0;
dg_dx1(I02) = 0.0;
dg_dx1(I03) = 0.0;
dg_dx1(I12) = 0.0;
dg_dx1(I13) = 0.0;
dg_dx1(I23) = 0.0;
// Set theta-derivatives of covariant components
dg_dx2(I00) = 0;
dg_dx2(I11) = 0;
dg_dx2(I22) = 0;
dg_dx2(I33) = 2*r*r*sth*cth
dg_dx2(I01) = 0.0;
dg_dx2(I02) = 0.0;
dg_dx2(I03) = 0.0;
dg_dx2(I12) = 0.0;
dg_dx2(I13) = 0.0;
dg_dx2(I23) = 0.0;
// Set phi-derivatives of covariant components
for (int n = 0; n < NMETRIC; ++n) {
dg_dx3(n) = 0.0;
Is it possible to adapt this metric (or any other gr_user
metric) for GR torus, or it works only for KerrSchild case?
The gr_torus.cpp
file very much assumes a Kerr spacetime. You might be able to augment the coordinate transformation functions like GetKerrSchildCoordinates
and TransformContravariantFromBoyerLindquist
with a new case to get it to produce something, but a more fundamental issue is whether this would be meaningful. The file implements a hydrostatic solution particular to Kerr, and a different spacetime will fail to achieve this property if the same prescription is followed.
It might be worth writing a new (and much shorter) problem generator that initializes the fluid in a simple, near-equilibrium fashion.