
"Single game analysis" visual comparison problem and to do

Pringleman83 opened this issue · 0 comments

The current display shows wins, draws and losses per game compared on the same chart as goals for and against per game and points per game.

The problem is, the highest wins, draws and/or losses per game can only ever be 1. The highest goals for/against per game is unlimited. The highest points per game can only be 3. The three comparisons each need their own charts.


An interesting addition would be goal difference per game. However, this would also run to negative numbers on the y axis and so, again, would need another chart.

The ideal solution would either be to display multiple charts at once, or to utilise the next button that shows on the chart. However, the "next chart" option might not work in some interpreters (such as Spyder) as the charts are displayed inline. Trial and error...