
Wiki formatting issue on page "Using Prism Launcher via the Command Line"

Ricket opened this issue · 4 comments

Operating System


Version of Prism Launcher


Version of Qt


Description of bug

This wiki page:

The original page had argument examples like -d, --dir <dir>. But those are gone and the formatting is strange, inside of the code block.

Steps to reproduce

Open wiki page and observe bad formatting.


Suspected cause

Presumably when importing from the old launcher wiki, those got put into the page literally as bad HTML tags, you can see it if you view source or open developer tools. Probably need to replace < with &lt; and > with &gt;.


This issue is unique

  • I have searched the issue tracker and did not find an issue describing my bug.

given the repo is a 1:1 copy of the old one it must a difference in deployment... Maybe @ryanccn or @ZekeSmith know why this happens

given the repo is a 1:1 copy of the old one it must a difference in deployment... Maybe @ryanccn or @ZekeSmith know why this happens

someone might have borked it while rebranding

Ill look into this

Looks like escaping issues