
Rate limiting on a fresh instance.

Closed this issue ยท 2 comments

Hey! Thanks for the workaround, you're doing a great job on this thing. ๐Ÿ‘

I'm having a small problem with rate limit errors on build 2023.06.06-25b7884.
Apparently I'm running out of tokens even when the instance didn't see any traffic aside from me opening the page and searching for something. Visiting a profile straight from search also causes rate limit errors. It goes away immediately after refreshing the page. I can confirm that this doesn't happen on the official docker image.

Container logs give me this:

19/06/2023 15:05:18
fetch error: (errors: @[(code: badToken, message: "Bad guest token")])

19/06/2023 15:05:18
error: RateLimitError,
msg: rate limited,
token: (tok: "1670757847372640256", init: (seconds: 1687174686, nanosecond: 818120247), lastUse: (seconds: 1687179377, nanosecond: 778415499), pending: 1, apis: (data: @[(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: -2374071652988301375, key: userMedia, val: (remaining: 499, reset: 1687177533)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: -955892393542437747, key: favorites, val: (remaining: 498, reset: 1687176337)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: -5940405725068231575, key: tweetDetail, val:(remaining: 497, reset: 1687179500)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: -2114734800836552661, key: userTweets, val: (remaining: 498, reset: 1687177527)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0)),
(hcode: 0, key: tweetDetail, val: (remaining: 0, reset: 0))], counter: 4)), url:

I did see an issue about something similar in the main branch but I'm not sure if it's connected.

Also experiencing similar, single searches bring up a "rate limited" but can be bypassed by refreshing the page and error logs are identical.

Looks like this error might have been fixed by the last build. Been using it for a few days and haven't got rate limited at all, no matter how hard I tried to get that error to appear.