
quote tweets and retweets information

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I see that on your nitter instance you've enabled links to quote tweets and retweets in the tweet's footer. However, using your fork it's not straightforward as to how to enable this feature on my own instance.

After rebuilding the program,

# git reset --hard privacydevel/master
HEAD is now at e4e7fe5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/guest_accounts'
# (set -e; cd /opt/nitter; for i in build scss md; do nimble $i -d:release; done; service nitter restart)

the footer turns from gray to orange, but clicking on individual items inside it doesn't work.

Is there an additional configuration step to be made, or perhaps some code still remains to be made public?

Please disregard that. After a forced Ctrl+Shift+R refresh, it now fully works.