
Error using .health entry point

Opened this issue · 1 comments

After your last update .tokens has dismissed and .accounts and .health has been hinerited from nitter branch but using the web entry point

the system produce the error messages:

An error has occured in one of your routes.
Detail: tables.nim(232) raiseKeyError
asyncfutures.nim(389) read
asyncfutures.nim(389) read
key not found: favoriters

the .accounts works correctly.

This should fix the issue

diff --git a/src/auth.nim b/src/auth.nim
index de1b1d8..629533d 100644
--- a/src/auth.nim
+++ b/src/auth.nim
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ const
   dayInSeconds = 24 * 60 * 60
   apiMaxReqs: Table[Api, int] = { 50,
+    Api.followers: 50,
     Api.tweetDetail: 150,
     Api.photoRail: 180,
     Api.userTweets: 500,
@@ -20,7 +21,11 @@ const
     Api.list: 500,
     Api.listTweets: 500,
     Api.listMembers: 500,
-    Api.listBySlug: 500
+    Api.listBySlug: 500,
+    Api.favorites: 500,
+    Api.favoriters: 500,
+    Api.following: 500,
+    Api.retweeters: 500
