
Error with swift package manager

yd021976 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello again,

when I import MediaRemote package & PrivateMediaRemote package in my project Xcode generate an error :
Cannot open file handle for file at path: Path(str: "/Users/tigrou/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/testMediaRemotePackage-axqjxzfzlnfwytekviquwzhwhiyg/SourcePackages/checkouts/MediaRemote/MediaRemote.xcframework/macos/MediaRemote.framework")

I'm using Xcode 13 on macOS Monterey on Apple M1 Mac mini.

Below what I've done in my project configuration in Xcode

  • "Framework and Libraries": Added "PrivateMediaRemote" & "MediaRemote"
  • "Depedencies" : Added "PrivateMediaRemote"
  • "Link Binary with Librairies": Added "PrivateMediaRemote" & "MediaRemote"

What do you think is wrong ?

Thanks for your help.

Nevermind, I understand the problem. In the README you said to add "RemoteMedia" framework. I was thinking it was in your framework (as it contains a "RemoteMedia" package too) but instead it's macOS "PrivateFrameworks/MediaRemote.framework" to add.
I suggest to clarify this in the "install" section of the README.

Again, thanks a lot for your work :-)