Certificationy Web Platform

Scrutinizer Code Quality SensioLabsInsight

This project is originally inspired of eko/certificationy. The goal is to train about the symfony certification http://sensiolabs.com/en/symfony/certification.html and may be other ?



  • PHP 5.3.3 at least
  • PHP extension : cURL, mongo, amqp (optional)
  • Composer
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • RabbitMQ (optional)


Clone the project and launch the installation script:

git clone https://github.com/ProPheT777/certificationy-web-platform.git
cd certificationy-web-platform
./install.sh prod


php app/console assetic:dump --watch

Setup github connect if you dev on it else use the heavy way. Then feed github_client_id and github_client_secret in app/config/parameters.yml with your dev application keys.


Coming ASAP


No test yet, but it's plan to integrate BDD test with Behat for the web platform. Certy also not test.


Soon as possible :

  • Write test for Certy component (phpunit)
  • Write test for Certy bundle (phpunit)
  • Write test for the web platform (behat)
  • i18n training support (Need to review data structure)
  • Level training support (Need to review data structure)

Long time :

  • Add interesting dumper (I think to pdf & SQL)
  • Add interesting loader (SQL)
  • Add new training (Currently we have only Symfony2 because they provide a certification, but why not add other techs / libs) ?
  • Add ability to create custom training online, and share / rate with other users ? (need SQL loader / dumper before)
  • Add new certy component to provide reward / achievement system.
  • Add ability to make training program who group several libs & techs. (Only if we have active community).
  • Get a real design instead of boostrap.


All contribution are welcome ! So please feel free to submit PRs.

We follow coding standard PSR-2.