
Provide context for Ulfric's stalhrim armor

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Many players are confused by Ulfric's new stalhrim armor and assume stalhrim is unique to Solstheim. The Dragonborn DLC already alludes Skyrim's kings used to wear stalhrim armor (Deathbrand: "clad in armor of gleaming Stalhrim like the kings of old" ) and ESO expanded on this lore (Crafting Motif 46: Frostcaster Style, The Crown of Freydis).

Expected Outcome

  • Add Crafting Motif 46: Frostcaster Style as a note in Ulfric war chamber.
    • The note should have a different title and immediately start with the notes of the scholar.
  • Write a note that reveals how Ulfric obtained his stalhrim armor.
    • Random idea: A scout reported multiple possible avenues of stalhrim armor buried in Nordic ruins. This will be a reference to #237
      • Angarvunde (false lead but used to contain a stalhrim armor in earlier versions)
      • Hillgrund's Tomb (Ulfric took this armor for himself)
      • Valthume (actually contains a stalhrim armor)
      • Volskygge (actually contains a stalhrim armor)
  • Write another note that connects this to Ulfric's search for Queen Freydis's Sword. (Freydis is the daughter of King Logrolf who owned the Stalhrim clothing in the above note.)