Full Stack 3 Custom Project Spec


  1. Build that web application you've always wanted to.


When going and looking for things to build, consider topics or parts of the world you are interested in. Do you like education? Healthcare? Construction? Cars? Build something that is part of the world that you are passionate about.

You can also consider making something that is in line with where you'd eventually like to work. Do you want to work at GitHub or Facebook? Maybe use their technologies and build something that integrates with or is a clone of one of their products.


  1. You may begin from a template or old project code.
  2. RESTful and Resourceful routing for at least 3 resources
  3. A full test suite of controller tests for your routes
  4. A fully responsive, conventionally styled, front end using Bootstrap 4
  5. Must express system state with error and success messages.
  6. Must use bower to manage front end packages
  7. You must use a SQL database.
  8. The project must be shipped live on heroku
  9. Had at least one code review from the instructor before the end of the course
  10. You may work alone or in pairs - if you are going to work in pairs you must pair program for ~60% of the time - this will mean significant coordination outside of class to schedule time to work side-by-side. You will be expected to turn in the project together. Pair programed projects are expected to be complete and demonstrate significantly better code craftsmanship.

Options: Pick at Least 2 of The Following

  1. Use an external API
  2. Upload images or other files to AWS S3
  3. Use jQuery to submit forms or achieve other dynamic behavior
  4. Use websockets for realtime behavior
  5. Integrate with a mobile app
  6. Take payments
  7. Simple search and pagination

How to Turn In

  1. Send two links (github and heroku) to your instructor the Thursday before the term ends.