
Updates to .NET 6

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Part 1 (The Language)

  • Chapter 1 - .NET Applications and Tools (HelloWorld)
  • Chapter 2 - Core C# (CoreCsharp)
  • Chapter 3 - Classes, Structs, Tuples, and Records (Types)
  • Chapter 4 - Object-Oriented Programming with C# (ObjectOrientation)
  • Chapter 5 - Operators and Casts (OperatorsAndCasts)
  • Chapter 6 - Arrays (Arrays)
  • Chapter 7 - Delegates, Lambdas, and Events (Delegates)
  • Chapter 8 - Collections (Collections)
  • Chapter 9 - Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
  • Chapter 10 - Errors and Exceptions (ErrorsAndExceptions)
  • Chapter 11 - Tasks and Asynchronous Programming (Async)
  • Chapter 12 - Reflection, Metadata, and Source Generators (ReflectionAndSourceGenerators)
  • Chapter 13 - Managed and Unmanaged Memory (Memory)

Part 2 (The Libraries)

  • Chapter 14 - Libraries, Assemblies, Packages, and NuGet (Libraries)
  • Chapter 15 - Dependency Injection and Configuration (DependencyInjectionAndConfiguration)
  • Chapter 16 - Diagnostics and Metrics (LoggingAndMetrics)
  • Chapter 17 - Parallel Programming (Parallel)
  • Chapter 18 - Files and Streams (FilesAndStreams)
  • Chapter 19 - Networking (Networking)
  • Chapter 20 - Security (Security)
  • Chapter 21 - Entity Framework Core (EFCore)
  • Chapter 22 - Localization (Localization)
  • Chapter 23 - Tests (Tests)

Part 3 (Web Apps and Services)

  • Chapter 24 - ASP.NET Core (AspNetCore)
  • Chapter 25 - Services (Services)
  • Chapter 26 - Razor Pages and MVC (RazorAndMVC)
  • Chapter 27 - Blazor (Blazor)
  • Chapter 28 - SignalR (SignalR)

Part 4 (Windows Apps)

Windows apps are updated with #81