
Standard Change - Budget Expense Requests

PamelaJohn opened this issue · 2 comments

Required Information


Define a standard process for approving ProgCode budget expense requests which are categorized as a Standard Change according to the Change Process.


Do not have a way to approve budget expense requests which are categorized as a Standard Change according to the Change Process.


A standard budget expense approval process will provide transparency in how ProgCode spends its funds.


Proposals seeking consent for implementation of budget expenditure should comply with the existing Change Process and pass a four-pronged test when considered by the community at weekly Operations meetings. The four prongs are:

  1. All proposals are non-partisan in nature;
  2. All proposals are geared toward removing the influence of big money in politics;
  3. All proposals seek to empower the grassroots through the creation of open source technology; and
  4. If the proposals are sponsored or funded by an outside organization, the source of the funding must be disclosed.

Decision Making

The decision making process, whether consent to continue or implement by standard change process is set forth in the Change Process linked below.

Optional Information

Reference link(s)

Change Process
Community Discussion History:
02.26.2017 - Issue 81 "Funding Framework"
05.15.2017 - Issue 198 "Four Pronged Test for Mission Alignment"

Proposed Budget Expense Request: $140 for Netroots Nation 2018 Speaker Attendance Fee prior to June 30, 2018

Shaka Lee’s panel proposal was one of 300 proposals to be approved by the Netroots Nation community for August 1-4, 2018 in New Orleans. Congratulations Shaka! Speaker attendance fee is reduced to $140 if paid prior to June 30, 2018. The speaker attendance fee is $190 if paid after June 30, 2018.

Moderator: Shaka Lee
Panelists: Rapi Castillo, Schuyler Duveen & Pamela John
Schedule Overview:

This Proposed Budget Expense Request satisfies the Four-Pronged Test as follows:

1. Proposal is non-partisan in nature:

This proposal is to attend the Netroots Nation 2018 conference. NN18 is an annual conference which is diverse, inclusive, non-partisan and progressive in nature.

2. Proposal is geared toward removing the influence of big money in politics:

The panel will discuss the benefits of open source tech for reducing the influence of big money in politics.

3. Proposal seeks to empower the grassroots through the creation of open source technology:

Panel Title: Open Source Tech #FTW
Panel Description:

The panel will consist of developers and organizers involved in open source progressive tech projects. We'll focus on the decision to use open source tech, how it’s developed and why it’s important. This panel will also give space to attendees to ask questions about open source in general, about specific open source projects, and how open source tech helps the political tech ecosystem.

4. Sponsor & Funding Disclosure:

The annual Netroots Nation conference is funded by sponsor fees, speaker fees, attendance fees, exhibitors' fees and sponsor fees. The 2018 Sponsors List is here.

It is noteworthy that Pamela is appearing on the panel as a representative of/spokesperson for ProgCode. This is an important event which will be attended by other progressive organizations and a great opportunity to raise ProgCode's profile in the progressive community.