
Pamela seeks community vote of consent to authorize employment at Magnify Progress

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Pamela would like to notify the community about a paid job opportunity she is pursuing to do social media for Magnify Progress.


  • Magnify Progress needs someone to post content on their social media platforms.
  • Pamela needs a part time job.
  • If Pamela accepts this position, is there a potential for bias or perception of bias within the community?


  • Magnify Progress has just incorporated so that it may receive grant funds in an unknown amount to hire some of the personnel their team needs to successfully launch the application.
  • No wage or hourly requirement has been discussed at this time.
  • Pamela has started volunteering some time to help Magnify Progress in the interim until the community has a chance to consider the proposal, discuss any questions or concerns and vote.
  • As soon as more wage & hour requirements are known, Pamela will notify the community.

Potential Benefit

  • If Pamela is allowed to take this part-time position, it will better enable her to sustain her volunteer work for ProgCode in furtherance of its mission to remove/reduce the influence of big money in politics by supporting the creation of open source tech to empower the grassroots.
  • A part-time job doing social media would not take much time away from ProgCode and would relieve financial strain experienced by Pamela since she joined ProgCode.

Potential Problem

  • Actual or perceived bias in favor of Magnify Progress.
  • Pamela would have to split some of the time she currently spend on ProgCode with Magnify Progress.


Community discussion.

Decision Making

Seek community vote to implement & notify Magnify Progress of the result.