
[FEATURE] Generate logs for prima vita #6

frankhart2018 opened this issue · 0 comments

Train the prima vita agents for the following hyperparameter setting:-

Hyperparameter(s) to tune

initial_energy (this goes in the hyperparameters list in hypertune object)

Values to tune for this hyperparameter

[350, 400, 450, 500] (this goes in values list in hypertune object)

Stop at

2000 (this goes in stop at in hypertune object)

How to train this?

Go to this Gist or visit the official docs (Docs Example section) to get an idea.

Where to put the logs?

Upload the logs in google drive (either as zip or as it is) and then create a file called 6.txt in logs/ folder in this repository. Put the link in this file while creating your PR.

What to name the file?


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