Unable to run monai-deploy run on tutorial example MedNIST app classifier
ahmed1996said opened this issue · 0 comments
ahmed1996said commented
Describe the bug
While following the tutorial for the MedNIST App classifier (executing from Shell), I run into an error when running the command:
monai-deploy run mednist_app:latest input output
Error message:
docker: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/nfs/users/<my_user_name>/projects/mednist_app/monai-deploy-app-sdk/input': mkdir /nfs/users/<my_user_name>/projects: permission denied.
I checked the directory permissions for /nfs/users/<my_user_name>/projects/mednist_app/monai-deploy-app-sdk/input
is drwxrwxrwx
Steps/Code to reproduce bug
Follow the tutorial example section "Executing from Shell".
Environment details (please complete the following information)
- OS/Platform: Ubuntu
- Python Version: 3.8.16
- Method of MONAI Deploy App SDK install: pip
- SDK Version: 0.5.0
- Pytorch: 1.13.1
- Docker: 20.10.11