
Auto3DSeg to test data for segmentation of the Lung

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello everyone,

I am very new to MONAI and I would like to know how use auto3dseg function in MONAI for lung segmentation??

I have multiple test sets and I would like to use pre-trained models on these test sets but I am not able to find a proper model or any tutorial regarding the same in MONAI.

Any help would be grateful.


Hi @BhosaleSumedha,

Have you tried the new Slicer MONAI Auto3DSeg module?

Just download the latest Slicer and install the extension via the Extension Manager.

You'll find a lung segmentation model ready to use.

Let us known how that goes.

Thank you for your reply @diazandr3s.

The module seems to be a very easy way to use pre-trained models. I can try this for the time being.

But, I was wondering if there is a script-based method to perform this task. I plan to use another model to improve the accuracy of my 3D model produced and then automate the process.


Hi @BhosaleSumedha,

You can always use this model in a programmatic manner: lassoan/SlicerMONAIAuto3DSeg#52 (comment)

Hope this helps,